Molly Pappelina Rug

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Molly Pappelina Rug


Each pappelina rug is woven on a loom with plastic ribbon, creating a durable and high-quality modern design. These vibrant color combos and simplistic patterns are sure to add brightness to any space! 

Rug available in multiple colors and sizes 

Materials: PVC ribbon and polyester warp 

Perfect for indoor or outdoor use and easy to clean! 

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2.25’ x 3.25’, 2.25’ x 6.5’, 4.5’ x 6.5’, 2.25’ x 9.75’, 2.25’ x 13.25’


Forest, Sunset, Mud, Moor, Hampton, Petrol, Ocean Grey, Princess, Rainbow

Molly Pappelina Rug

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